SHIRT: J. Crew / JEANS: similar – on sale!! / SHOES: Jimmy Choo / BAG: Tory Burch / SUNGLASSES: Prada / WATCH: Michael Kors / BRACELET: Stella & Dot / EARRINGS: Stella & Dot (similar styles here)
Happy Wednesday, y’all!
Without hesitation I can say this is the most worn shirt in my wardrobe. It’s such a classic and can be worn year-round, dressed up or down, and goes with everything! Last fall I styled it in several ways and today yet another way. I wanted my bag and earrings to be the focal point so I paired them with a classic shirt, jeans and simple pumps. My sweet kiddos (along with daddy’s help) bought me this bag for Mother’s Day and I love it. It’s such a fun color and the size is perfect. It actually comes in many, many colors so there’s something for everyone!
Have a fantastic day and thanks so much for stopping by!