It’s hard to remember what our laundry room was like before the flood! I probably blocked it out of my mind. It was large but not super functional. However, since the laundry room renovation it’s way more user friendly.
With the exception of underclothes and towels I hang everything to dry. The hanging area was an absolute must for me. It has been amazing so far.
I added these huge drawers that hold laundry baskets. It’s life changing to have the overflowing baskets off of the floor! The are the same as what I chose in our kitchen, just a different finish.
I had this sign made years and years ago and it really doesn’t go with any of our decor in the main living area anymore. So, I made it work in here. It is a reminder to me of what our house was before we flooded.
I use almost everywhere in our house so that I can bleach them. Since we have 7 year old twins, I never know what’s going to happen to our towels. I also chose an for the laundry room. I think it looks great and I won’t be heart broken if something happens to it.
During our kitchen renovation we saved the large pieces of granite that we no longer needed and tried to repurpose them around the house. One piece ended up in the laundry room. I love that we were able to reuse it.
This little tray finally found a home here. I have been moving it around from place to place and think I’ve found the perfect spot. Do y’all do that? Move things around constantly?
These cute baskets were a Home Good find. I love the slight gray tone in them.
This remodel was beyond exhausting, but I love sharing it one room at a time and remembering where we came from. God is so good, y’all. So that’s the laundry room renovation, what’s should be post next?
Photos by Diamond Oak Photography